1-866-888-3784 1-866-888-8084
906 Main St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3P3, Canada Licensed by Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association. License #32386

Place a New Order

Ordering your medications from Access Canada Drug Mart has never been easier. There are two simple ways to order your prescription medication with Access Canada Drug Mart. For faster orders, use the online method. If you are not comfortable with ordering online, you can order by mail.

Order Online
Mail Order
  1. Find your prescriptions by:
    1. Multisearch (Rx Only) or
    2. Browse Prescription or Over-the-Counter Products and add items to your Shopping Cart.
  2. Click Checkout and complete the online order form in 6 simple steps.
  3. Mail in the original written prescription from your doctor
  1. Download and print an order form
  2. Locate drug prices with:
    1. Multisearch (Rx Only) or
    2. Browse Prescription drugs or Over-the-Counter Products
  3. Record drug prices on your order form.
  4. Mail the original written prescription from your doctor, and the completed order form.

Billing Processed by: Access Canada Drug Mart

Mailing Address: 906 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2W 3P3 Canada
Toll Free Fax: 1-866-888-3784
International Fax: 1-204-772-0262
Email: customerservice@canadadrugmart.com

If clicking the "Download Order Form" button does not work you may need to install Adobe Reader on your computer. To do so, click "Get Adobe Reader" and follow the installation instructions. You may call us toll free at 1-866-888-3784 if you need further assistance.